Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Grampies war: the human cost.

Every community big or small in Canada has monuments to their war dead.
Noel has a particular poinent one.
The Harvie family sent 8 of their sons off to war.
6 came home. 2 didn't. One buried in the Netherlands the other in the UK.
This monument pays tribute to this family.
It dwarfs the more famous Sullivan family or the story of the film Saving Private Ryan.
This family lost more members than any other in ALL of North America.
And they all came from the very small community of Noel. 
The mother relieved the Silver Cross.
Small comfort for such a sacrifice. 
Lest we Forget.



Friday, 21 March 2025

Soviet Cards


My Soviets now have cards for their units. So i now have the stats for my Rocket, Scout car, Valentine tanks 

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Battle for Berlin 1945

 So I got myself an early birthday present. The Italeri Reichstag battle set.

Sure it was 165.00, but it's something that I can afford and do up.

Friday, 21 February 2025


 Well I've gotten most of the German Paras mounted. I just need to get them printed.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Panzer IV with side skirts

 A few more tanks i got in trade which shall get some much needed paint.


 One of the tanks i was able to acquire in trade in the box of kits was a lone Panther.

I've gotten a basic colour on it but I'll be doing my usual North-west Europe camoflauged scheme on it.

Now the Panther was the German answer to the T-34/85. The tank had sloped armour and a 75mm gun. 

This Panther is in the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa

In time, I shall have a full platoon of these.

I have in 1/72