Saturday 8 April 2017

To the trenches: Bolt Action for The Great War

So one of my basing methods turned out to be a dud. Popsicle sticks do not make good bases. However, since I have so many left over, with glue still on one side, I decided to turn them into trenches.
The local Canadian men and boys remembered on cenotaphs

small monuments

those of my home town

 more names

the flag our country fought under

the trenches from the attacking side

on the defensive

close up

Machine-gun teams 

British and Canadian troops slowly being based, and painted.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

British 4th Armored Division 3rd County of London Yeomanry

I'm building up a new British Armored Division. This will be made up of a Tank regiment of Shermans, supported by a 5.5 in Battery of 4 Royal Horse Artillery
and a motor rifle battalion of the 2nd Kings Royal Rifle Corps

Pictures to follow

Also will sort out Recce elements
Probably keep style
With my Bolt Action groups, I'm treating this as a Battle group

May still need to fit out with carriers and a Firefly