Wednesday 24 June 2020

Thoughts on factions for A Very British Civil War

I recently bought the film, The King's Speech and got to thinking that the factions I am going to field are going to be interesting.
First The Royalists: these are troops with the title Royal in their name. However, the Artillery may fracture.
British Union of Facists: Mosley's troops, who as the new British prime minister will have his Blackshirt support with an Expeditionary force from German and Italy.
The Albertists: Monarchy support for Prince Albert, I am going to have a large Canadian 8Australian support there.
The Anglican League: Chirch of England supporters who will support a monarch who truly represents the best I interests of the church.
The Scottish Army: Scottish Regiments who have deserted the British army and have sworn to support a government which will give Scotland her independence or a special form in a revised union.
Tje Socialists: Social and Communist inspired units,
I'm going to be fielding a game shortly on the subject
The Anglican League and the Albertists faction are holding on to a town.

Albertists from Alberta!

Albertists assault the Italian provided armoured cars, destroying them with grenades

German Expeditanry Force attempt to take the church

BUF with German and Italian supplied weapons

Royalist and British Union of Facists
The Royalists and BUF kept up an aggressive attack on the town but were badly beaten by the Anglicans and Albertists. Despite lacking heavy weapons, they used what they had and grenades to take out the Facists tanks. Seeing as to the damage inflicted, the Facists fell back.
The uprising continues!