I finally got Ian to play a game of Bolt Action with me, by limiting the force we both have to about 1200 points.
Canadian troops
8th Canadian Infantry Brigade:
Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 11 figures with a Universal Carrier armed with 3 bren guns
North Shore New Brunswick Regiment, 7 figures

A German division with armor and artillery support move to push back the Canadian 8th Brigade from their position on the Rhine.

Canadians entrenched with a Sherman and 6pdr gun in support.

Queens Own Rifles and a Scout car await the German attack

The German's get a preliminary bombardment, immobilising the Sherman, raining hot iron on the French-Canadiens taking cover behind the tank, while the other units suffer minor casualties.

The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa take hits

The Queens Own Rifles prepare to advance.

The Germans make a mounted charge towards the Canadian position

Whereby the Queen's Own advance to contact

The PIATs take out tank, the 6pdr was hit by the German's Nebelwefer, the Panzer III with Panzergrenadiers were all taken out.

German Engineers walk up to a woods and sets fire to them to create a smoke screen on the Canadian position.

The Queen's Own Rifles tries to hold onto the wood while being pressed by the Hanamog and Panzergrenadiers.

Two German regiments move up using the burning forest as warmth.

The Panzergrenadiers let loose with all they have

resulting in Ian removing the Canadians to his front. The Universal Carrier died under a rain of grenades.

German artillery moves up to pour fire onto the remaining Canadians, but are taken out by a German regiment.

Germany saved for another day.