I had been itching to do another Bolt Action game with Ian again. Also, I wanted to see how an Armor only game would go.

Aerial recce shows the German advance on the Canadian positions. 4th Canadian Armored Division with elements of Canadian 3rd Division and 2nd Canadian Armored Brigade. The objective for the Germans is to advance any units where the German marker are. The Canadians are to try and deny this objective. The Canadian units were made up of 8th Canadian Brigade mounted in Universal carriers with 3rd Anti-Tank, Royal Canadian Artillery in support. The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa also had their machine-gun jeep.
The Germans are made up of a Panzer IV regiment, a Tiger regiment, a Panzer III company, a captured T-34/85 regiment of the 2nd SS. In support was a Nebelwefer, and a 75mm Infantry gun. Also, a battalion of Panzergrenadiers mounted in Hanamogs.

Daddy vs Ian, My new RA beret with RA cap badge. I need to find Ian a German army field cap.

German tank commander's view of the battlefield.

Canadian Recce Regiment holds the left of the line.
One Sherman is toast! Eat Nebelwefer rockets!
See Daddy, they blew up!
And more rockets pound the Canadian positions.
German armor advances towards the town.
My Firefly just took out the Nebelwefer!
And my Shermans run forward. The 6pdr gun just took out a Panzer IV, and the Sherman hit a Tiger in the arse, but caused only a small fire, which the crew put out.

Not only Canadian but German Panzer III get burnt up, as well as a few Hanamogs. All the German tanks turned to take out the Canadian Shermans. My Churchill had engaged the T-34/85 causing some minor damage. Before it could engage, the Churchill then withdrew to the rear of the village.

The last Canadian armor goes up. The German HQ Hanamog knocks out the Dailmer Armored Car. The sharp eyed commander sees Canadian infantry fall back. Also, having gotten fired upon by the Firefly hiding in an alley,
What the heck?! How did he do it again!? All my armor are now in that fireball! Unknown to me, Ian had sacrificed his Kubelwagen crew to recrew his Nebelwefer, which rained rockets into the rear of the village, taking out my armor!

The last offensive act the Canadians did was to advance and throw grenades at the 75mm gun taking out all the crew.
It was a close game, Ian really enjoyed it, and he also liked out now fire and smoke, made from cotton balls dipped in Burnt Orange paint.