This game was one of the first where 27th Armoured Regiment supported the Canadian 3rd Division. The 9th Brigade supported by elements of the 7th and 8th Brigade held out against two Panzer divisions.
Ian's tatic is to constantly rely on his tanks to smash into my lines, and use his mortars and anti-tank weapons to knock out my heavy weapons. In this game, I held out my armor, artillery and airstrikes until the third turn in which I flanked the German lines. On turn three, I let it all rip.
The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa rushed in their machine-gun jeep to slice down Germans with concentrated fire. The armored car fired and resulted in the Jagpanther being imobolised for the rest of the game. The Bren carrier rushed in firing all its guns with the Queen's Own Rifles mounted ready to jump out and charge into the Germans
They then fired accurate mortar rounds into the Bren carrier which destroyed it and the Queens Own. The rest of the game was basically the Germans trying to win back the trench line which the Canadians had held at the start of the game. The Germans called on the Luftwaffen to give a air sortie which failed.
By turn six, one Canadian brigade was still on the field. The Germans still had one division but decided to withdrawl. The Canadians had fought hard.
Some lessons we both learned. If I am going to use a lot of fire support, I need to concentrate it all in one spot, not over the whole board.
Ian found out that you can use air strikes and artillery indirect fire.
Next time, he'll find out about minefields!
North Shore New Brunswick Regiment (NSNBR), Royal Regina Rifles (RRR) Canadian Scottish Regiment (CSR) Queens Own Rifles (QOR) dismounted waiting for the order to mount and charge in with machine-guns blazing then dismounting to run in and to drive off the Germans.

27th Armor Regiment, Bren Carrier and Machine-gun jeep of Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa await their order to advance and fire.

Markers for air support and artillery barrage. Ian had no idea this was coming.

The Germans about to smash into the Canadian lines. The German Panzers ran straight at the Canadian trenches on the left. The trenches were being held by the mortars of the Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa