The Third Canadian Division decides to strike the German defences in response to the German attack on the Second Canadian Division earlier in the week. The objective is to get as many Canadian units on the German second of the table by turn 6.

It was a close game all day. The Germans attempted to push back each Canadian advance, and did quite well in holding them back.

It was just after this shot was taken that the 3rd Anti-Tank, RCA took out the Tobruk bunker and a further artillery strike followed by an RCAF airstrike cleared the woods of German infantry and recce support. By the end of Turn 6, the Germans were reduced to a single infantry battalion, and one Panzer Regiment, which choose to withdrawl rather than be destroyed. The Canadians cracked the line and will now consolidate their positions to break through to drive into the heart of Germany. Unless I get a game in tomorrow, this might be the last one for 2014. An interesting year for sure on this front.
I had no idea that I would be getting back into this gamming period. It was rather sad how I came about it, as I had to visit Calgary, Alberta for my mother's funeral back in April. Since I was there, and I had the chance, I was able to pick up the beginnings of a Bolt Action force. My son and I started off with two boxes of infantry each. Then over several months, I have been able to add armor, jeeps, artillery. In the coming year, I will no doubt slow down my force build up as I have almost all the I need for a German and Canadian force.
I may build up my Pacific force, as I don't need much for them. I have a British brigade, a Canadian brigade and an Australian Militia Brigade.
Happy New Year to those who visit this blog.