Friday, 10 March 2017

Operation Plunder: March 23, 1945: 1st Commando Bde at Wesel

46 RM Commandos, 45 Commando(RM) 6 Commando and 3 Commando with support from elements of the French army.
Historical information courtesy of Osprey Campaign 178 The Rhine Crossings 1945 (Ken Ford, 2007) Additions of French troops as cannon fodder, and Canadian 9th Brigade with armored and artillery support

Elements of German Panzer Division inside Wesel. A Panzer Regiment made up of Panthers, an assault gun and a Whirlwind. Elements of other German vehicles also have a 251 Armed with a French 75mm gun. A nebelwefer also is hiding.

A Panzer Regiment made up of 2 Panzer III and a Panzerjager

Another Panzer Regiment made of of same.

A German heavy weapons company with an MG42 and mortar seem to be rather open, perhaps some sandbags might be in order.

 The local Nazi HQ having been blasted by the RAF now holds a battery of 88mm Anti-tank guns.

 An SS battalion holding the remains of some houses.

An SS heavy weapons company made up of MG42 and Anti-tank platoons.

 Enter the French

 a mortar team prepares to give covering fire

Two more French battalions prepare to move in. 
The French initally did well but lacking armor support, were only really able to act as a recce force.

They were however able to knock out the battery of 88mm guns, so the Germans then counter attacked with their panzers.

This in turn led to a counter engagement by the entire British force. 

The Allied left being held by the Canadian 9th Brigade, with the left over French.

A Churchill takes out a Panzer III 

Canadian armor on the right rolls past the SS unbeknonst that the Anti-tank teams are well hidden.

British armor races ahead only to be stopped in their tracks by another Panzer regiment and Panzergrenadiers.

The centre of the table becomes a tank graveyard.

A Hertzer takes out a Firefly while a Whirlwind adds to the French casualties

A Panther falls victim to a lucky shot from a Sherman. The 6pdr Gun having been hit by the Panther.

The Canadian 9th Brigade with their Scottish Canadians rush up and conduct house clearing operations. This area saw some hard fought actions with the houses changing sides twice. 

Eventually, the Germans had to give up their village.

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