A small English hamlet is in a right mess. A Church of England cathedral is being held by a group from the Anglican League. As the church us built on a hill, and has a well armed garrison of Artillery, mortars and Vickers Mgs. The local lord has been pushed out by a Communist Farm workers collective. Mosley's British Union of Facisits with the support of a Royalist brigade will attempt to clear the area of the Anglican church who do not support the legitimacy of the King Edward, the Socialist who want to bring the Red terror to the shores of Britain.

Royalist army, made of regiments of the British army which stayed loyal to King Edward, also known as Royalist

British Union of Fascists led by Mosley, supplied by Germany and Italy to destabilize British in an event of global war

the Anglican League, those who support a monarchy following the faith, their choice would be George

Lord Laughton, whose manor farm has been over run by

The Socialist Union of Darm workers, supported by the Soviet Union

more Socialist members from France

and the Soviet Union
To add some order to the chaos, I have given order dice for each faction on the table.
White Anglicans
Black Facists
Blue Royalist
Red Socialist
Yellow Lord Laughton
On the first turn, the Anglicans opened fire on all their enemies. They succeeded in taking out a Facists armor car, and pushed out from their defences. The socialist troops were kept back along a fence line. The Royalists took few casualties.
The Facists pushed back an Anglican probe into the village while the Royalists began an assault on the church. The Socialist troops were pinned down from tank fire in the farm from the Royalist group but were able to capture a gun, and push some troops out. Lord Laughton is still waiting to see how badly the Socialists will do as his main goal is to retake his farm.
Should be interesting to see about round 2.