The 51st Highland Division with elements of the 79th Armored Division begin their attack.

The German positons are a blockhouse and a section of trenches.

The Highland Division has the unfortunate situation of attacking a well dug in and supported German position.

German armor waits in the trees astride the autobhan.

The Autobahn intersection holds a Panzer regiment.

The Germans wait for the Highlanders attack.

The German Whirlwind takes out the Duwk but is in turn taken out by a Middlesex mortar.

Highlanders take cover behind a blazing Buffalo.

Highlanders take the forward trenches

however, the Germans counter attack.

The bunker is a hard nut to crack, sporting a Panzer hull with a gun turret.

The Germans retake some trenches

the Buffalo is imobilised, while a 1st Air Landing RA gun attempts to provide fire support

taking out the German armored car.

and a Hanamog.

with the Buffalo unable to bring over more troops, the British assault fails

Germans move forward to capture the unlucky Highlanders.