This M7 Priest belonging to 1st Field RCHA is emplaced due to loosing its road wheels and the tracks split. I need to add some decals and crew.
Saturday, 28 January 2017
Saturday, 21 January 2017
German 16th Division in Italy 1943
I am modelling this division as it fits in with my gamming for either the Eastern Front or the Italian campaign.
Another version of this division was also reconstituted as the 179th Panzer Reserve division where it was badly broken at Falise.
As the 116th it was comprised of: and had a Greyhound as its insignia.
- 16th Panzer Regiment: Modeled with Panzer III
- 60th Panzergrenadier Regiment
- 156th Panzergrenadier Regiment
- 146th Panzer Artillery Regiment
- 116th Panzer Reconnaissance Battalion
- 281st Army Flak Battalion modeled with 88mm gun in 15mm
- 228th Panzerjager Battalion modeled with StuG III in 15mm
- 675th Panzer Engineer Battalion
- 228th Panzer Signals Battalion
- 146th Field-Replacement Battalion
Point Defense: Germans vs Soviets in Estonia 1944
The Germans continue to counteract the Soviet offensive
So he choose to be the Russians defending a village against a German attack.
Ian proceeded to use his Tiger I to inflict as much damage as he could. Alex counter attacked with his infantry swarming the German tanks. Several of them were taken out. However, Ian then used his infantry to distract Alex, and used his Tiger I to pick off the T-34/85 tanks. One by one, they fell. One tank survived four strikes, but was eventually taken out. Ian then used an artillery strike and it flattened the village. With only his SU-152 and a battalion of infantry left, the Russians bugged out. The Germans achieved their objective again.
Friday, 13 January 2017
Imperial Japanese Forces 1941-45
I've collected a large amount of Japanese troops since about 1978 when I began collecting figures as a child.
I was always fascinated by Japanese culture which is probobly why I ended up teaching there from 1999-2015. I also married a lovely woman and raised a family there. So turning to my collection, I have figures from Airfix, ESCI, Revell and some from Fujimi.
My focus of gaming this era is on the Hong Kong, Singapore, Burma and Borneo campaigns as I believe these have been forgotten by history, with the Americans having overshadowed the history.
I also have several Fujimi tanks which I need to repair and paint before I can add.
For the Motherland! Russian forces for Bolt Action
These are my Soviets for Bolt Action. I am slowly painting and fixing several sets as well as basing a rather large amount of figures.
My armor force consists of T-34/76
IS 2
A towed battery of artillery one an Anti-Tank gun, the other, a 76.2mm M1942 Field gun.
pictures to follow.
My armor force consists of T-34/76
IS 2
A towed battery of artillery one an Anti-Tank gun, the other, a 76.2mm M1942 Field gun.
pictures to follow.
Soviet Naval Infantry squad 1943-45
I did a quick image search to add some variety to my Soviet troops of the period.
I had several sets of ESCI World War Two Russian Soldiers.
I must have gotten this set around 1983-84 as they were produced around 1982.
Now while the only difference between this squad and say other Soviet troops, is just the uniform color. I've done this for two reasons, the first is the simple fact I have several units of figures and wanted to add some color. The second is more practical, I don't really see myself adding more figures to my collection as I have over 10,000 in my collection over many periods.
Once the figures dry, I will be adding them.
I had several sets of ESCI World War Two Russian Soldiers.
I must have gotten this set around 1983-84 as they were produced around 1982.
Now while the only difference between this squad and say other Soviet troops, is just the uniform color. I've done this for two reasons, the first is the simple fact I have several units of figures and wanted to add some color. The second is more practical, I don't really see myself adding more figures to my collection as I have over 10,000 in my collection over many periods.
Once the figures dry, I will be adding them.
Sunday, 8 January 2017
Soviet Union vs Germans in Auce, Latvia Point Defense scenario 1944

The Soviets began to counter act the Nebelwefer with their own rocket battery.
The rest of the game was spent having Panzergrenadiers retake the farm complex
and clearing out the hamlet. The Soviets continue to resist, and at nightfall, both sides hold their positions The Germans appear to be holding the upper hand.
Wednesday, 4 January 2017
Bolt Action Eastern Front Tukums, Latvia June 1944
Ian and I began 2017 gaming with an Eastern Front themed game.
The scenario was that the Germans were attempting to withdrawl from a small farm and recover some supplies, plus a herd of horses which had been left behind.
The jumbled battlefield. As the Soviet Army advances the Wehermacht pulls back, but leaves behind a herd of horses and some supplies.
While the Germans were able to field an Elephant tank destroyer, and a Tiger I, Mindy has decided to join in.
The scenario was that the Germans were attempting to withdrawl from a small farm and recover some supplies, plus a herd of horses which had been left behind.

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