Sunday, 8 January 2017

Soviet Union vs Germans in Auce, Latvia Point Defense scenario 1944

 The Germans begin their counter attack upon the Soviet forces

The SS throw an entire Panzer division at the Soviets

Boris and Ivan pull some surprises on Johann and Dietrich. First off, T-34/76 ambush Tigers and Panthers, Oh MY!

The German recce units continue to fall victim to T-34/85 but then

This is a Nebelwefer

this is what it does to Soviet Armor.

A desperate firefight begins between Soviet and German tanks.

And the battle continues.

The Soviets began to counter act the Nebelwefer with their own rocket battery.
The rest of the game was spent having Panzergrenadiers retake the farm complex
and clearing out the hamlet. The Soviets continue to resist, and at nightfall, both sides hold their positions The Germans appear to be holding the upper hand.

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